You are currently viewing Jan 1 – New Year’s Day Fun Shoot

Jan 1 – New Year’s Day Fun Shoot

To kick off the new year, we hope to see you at the club next week!

We’re hosting our annual New Year’s Day fun-shoot. Shooting starts at 9am New Year’s Day, with 3-Class meat shoots, open to all skill levels. All members and guests welcome.

We’ll also have a hot lunch, available by donation, 50/50 (bring cash), our gun raffle draw, and top off the day with our Buddy Backer pig shoot.

There will be no regular Trap practice during the day, shooting will conclude after the final event. All shooters must have their PAL, or a dedicated shadow, to participate.

And a friendly reminder, consumption of inebriants is not allowed on the premises during shooting times. Any shooter found under the influence of drugs or alcohol will be asked to leave immediately.